Thursday, March 12, 2009

Of Friends, Dancing, Sledding, and Skating: Part 2

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Slowly but surely, we woke up. Some of us used our laptops while we ate breakfast, because we are perfect geeks. :P :D Mark and Susan got here. Our kitchen ceiling began leaking because water was running out of the upstairs shower and seeping through. Quite the adventure it was. Then the Ohioans began arriving. Within no time at all, our house was jam-packed with people. Pretty soon, we needed to head out for the archery range so we could start sled-riding. We had decided on the archery range because our first choice – well, let's just say the hill was way too steep to have a patch of gravel at the bottom. So we shipped 'em out! Charlyn needed to print her dance instructions so some of us (Charlyn, Bekah, Michael, Melissa, Katie, Mom, Dad, and I) stayed behind. While Mom and Dad got the food around and packed up, we got it printed. There's a story in and of itself here sort of. Charlyn has a Macbook. It didn't like our printer, so she emailed it to Michael. Of course, the word processors weren't compatible so the page count and margins were messed up. So it ended up a little different than intended, but all is well that ends well. :) So after we fed the pets, we took off.

Katie and I immediately tramped our way to the top of the hill they were using and took pictures and went down a few times. The hill was considerably wicked. :P At one point, Carrie, Jake, and Anna B. went down in our big black sled and went straight into the creek. Many people tumbled and it turned out rather hilarious at times. After Klaus was wrestled a few times, we decided to go in because everyone was beginning to freeze. So we went in and thawed out and ate. I think some changed into their dancing clothes. Some played games. Then we practiced one or two ECD dances before taking group photos because some had to leave. :( After the photos Michael and Bekah taught us swing. Having been thoroughly exhausted, we ate dinner. Then we danced Mairi's Wedding. Twice. :D Then we danced and danced and danced and danced. We were taught rumba, waltz, and polka. We danced the Virginia Reel, and the Duke of Kent's Waltz. I, for one, enjoyed myself thoroughly. If you didn't, your loss. :P Then we had to leave. :( And I cried. :P Just kidding.

When we got home, I had to feed the indoor pets and Matt, Jake, and Brian went to Wal-Mart. When everyone got back, we all rehashed and looked at photos and crashed. We didn't stay up very long, needless to say. :P And I slept hard. I don't think I ever moved that night. :)

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